We offer a large variety of laryngoscopes sets, which makes purchasing and storage of laryngoscopes easier. They ensure that, while intubating, you always have a choice of laryngoscope blades at hand. In addition, we offer various instruments which are commonly required in anesthesia/recovery rooms.
Laryngoscope sets (reusable)
Laryngoscopes are often purchased and stored in sets packed in a rugged plastic case. It is handy to have multiple sizes of blades in a set along with a handle and spare lamps. Laryngoscope sets are available for both cold light laryngoscopes and for standard laryngoscopes.
Custom sets and configurations are available on demand.
Spare cases & Inlays for Laryngoscope sets
To organize and protect your laryngoscopes during storage, rugged spare plastic cases with soft inlays for up to 3, 5, or 7 laryngoscope blade configurations can be bought separately.
We offer instruments commonly available in anesthesia/recovery rooms. These include single use MAGILL intubation forceps, and nasal specula and universal/utility scissors.
Laryngoscope sets (reusable)
Laryngoscopes are often purchased and stored in sets packed in a rugged plastic case. It is handy to have multiple sizes of blades in a set along with a handle and spare lamps. Laryngoscope sets are available for both cold light laryngoscopes and for standard laryngoscopes.
Custom sets and configurations are available on demand.
Spare cases & Inlays for Laryngoscope sets
To organize and protect your laryngoscopes during storage, rugged spare plastic cases with soft inlays for up to 3, 5, or 7 laryngoscope blade configurations can be bought separately.
We offer instruments commonly available in anesthesia/recovery rooms. These include single use MAGILL intubation forceps, and nasal specula and universal/utility scissors.